The Prelude to My Cycling Odyssey: A Journey without Handlebars

Embarking on thrilling journey into the world of cycling has been a longstanding dream of mine. The idea of exploring scenic routes, conquering challenging trails, and feeling the wind against my face has always ignited a sense of excitement. However, here's the catch - as of now, I find myself without the very tool defines this adventure: a bicycle. Yet, this blog marks the beginning of my cycling odyssey, capturing the anticipation, research, and preparations that precede the acquisition of my two-wheeled companion. Join me in this prelude to my cycling escapades, where the absence of a bicycle becomes a canvas upon which my cycling aspirations are painted. As I sit down to kick off this cycling blog, there's a notable absence in my garage - the trusty companion that will soon carry me through thrilling adventures and scenic escapades. Why the delay, you ask? Well, the honesty truth is, I'm in the midst of a bicycle savings mission. As the saying goes, "Good things come to those who wait", and in my case those who diligently save. Join me on this journey, where the absence of handlebars and pedals becomes the catalyst for a financial quest, and every penny saved brings me one step closer to exciting world of cycling.


Anonymous said…
Goodluck. ❤️